Baekkelaget has been part of the Partille Cup for almost 20 years: "A tradition"
Partille World Cup

Baekkelaget has been part of the Partille Cup for almost 20 years: "A tradition"

The Norwegian club Baekkelaget has participated in the Partille Cup every time since 2003.

In 2003, general secretary Fredrik Andersson started working with the Partille Cup. Baekkelaget has participated every year since then. For the Norwegian team, it's a tradition to be part of the world's biggest handball tournament for young people.
– The Partille Cup is an incredibly well-organized and fun cup, says Lene Wiinberg, leader for the club's B13 team.

The Baekkelaget likes to compare the Partille Cup with the Norway Cup, which is the Baekkelaget's football cup for children.
– Children from many parts of the world come here to play football for a whole week. Just like with handball in the Partille Cup. But now we are the ones who get to go out and feel the atmosphere with lots of great handball, happenings on the playing surfaces, opening ceremony, proximity to the city, and not least getting to know other girls and boys from other countries, says team leader Lene Wiinberg.
They think that the Partille Cup is brilliant both socially and sportingly for the children.
– In addition, it's very good for the parents around the team who can take the opportunity to get to know each other better and build a good support system for the team which will be important for the future, says coach Anders Gåsemyr.

The Partille Cup is something that almost every player in the Baekkelaget knows about, and looks forward to when they are old enough to take part.
– Older players talk about their trips to the cup and the younger ones listen with big ears. The social place and the surrounding atmosphere create a memory for life, and good cohesion within the team. At the same time, you also get a challenge player-wise by facing teams you wouldn't otherwise have had the chance to play against. Everyone who has once participated in the Partille Cup wants to participate again, says Lene Wiinberg.
It's not only the youngsters who look forward to the Partille Cup.
– Many of the parents are involved either as leaders or as parents. For the parents, it becomes a social gathering point that binds them closer together.

The general secretary Fredrik Andersson told us that you have participated in the Partille Cup every year since he started back in 2003. Is it a tradition for Baekkelaget to play in the Partille Cup?
Yes, you can say that it has become a tradition. A tradition that everyone looks forward to. We have many talented handball players, many of them have siblings and parents who have been part of the Partille Cup before. These experiences have given so much that this is something that you want to pass on, says Lene Wiinberg.

You are already signed up for next year's tournament. How many teams do you think Baekkelaget will participate with and what are your goals with Partille Cup 2023?
Boys 13 participate with two teams. The main goal is for everyone to think it's fun to participate, and then we hope that it triggers the joy of playing and maybe even some good results. About ten teams usually participate from the entire club.

What are you most looking forward to about the tournament?
The season has just started with league games and throughout the season we can look forward to one last trip, to the Partille Cup. It acts as a motivation to do the little extra in the training work, to come to the training through autumn and winter, and at least take the step from children's handball to youth handball - with line players, a bigger ball and not least playoffs. It is the first time our 13-year-old boys have been involved in this and there is always great excitement around it. The fact that the Partille Cup has both A- and B-playoffs means that everyone gets a lot of matches and that each match is still educational and exciting, says the leader.



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