Celebrate the People: Cultural Exchanges and Leadership

Celebrate the People: Cultural Exchanges and Leadership

The concept Celebrate the People highlights the importance of exchanges for leaders during the Partille World Cup.

The Partille World Cup is not only filled with players from across the country and the world, but also with leaders and coaches of all participating teams. Celebrate the People is a concept launched by Partille World Cup to emphasize the significance of encounters between cultures and people. Johana Nord, a 19-year-old young leader, expresses the importance of cultural exchanges during the tournament.

Celebrate the People aims to help young people worldwide to develop. As the message states: “Encounters between people and cultures create understanding, knowledge, and perspectives.” Johana Nord, a 19-year-old leader from Lugi, coaches 11-year-old girls and believes cultural exchanges during these tournaments are important.

"You learn how to be a leader yourself, how you work, and how to adapt to other players. And you can exchange experiences since we all live in the same schools and meet each other all the time," she says.

Every year, hundreds of leaders from around the world meet here, creating memories, experiences, and cultural exchanges together. Johana Nord believes that it is an important experience where she grows as a leader on all levels.

"You see where you are. You have a vision when you start a season that 'this is what we want with the team, we want to be faster, better, and the best,' and everyone wants that. This is a perfect opportunity to practice that, to play many matches in a short period and learn from each other."

Celebrate the People is important for highlighting the experiences one can get from a tournament. Cultural exchanges that create “understanding, knowledge, and perspectives.”.



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