The German referee Lilly Lötje: "Partille Cup was amazing, incredible and unforgettable"
Lilly Lötje had so much fun as a referee at the Partille Cup 2022.

Lilly Lötje is 18 years old. She is both a player and referee in Germany. She loved to come to Gothenburg as a referee this summer. Now it's time to get to know her!
She lives in a village near Kiel in the northern state of Germany.
– Currently, I'm in my last year of school. In my free time I play handball for the U19 and senior team of the TSV Bargteheide, says Lilly Lötje.
She has always loved handball.
– I wanted to learn everything I could about it. So, when I was old enough and they sent around some information for an upcoming referee training, I signed up, she explains.
At what level are you a referee and what do you think is the funniest thing about it?
– I'm a referee for my federal state and just moved up to the level right under the national level. More specifically, I'm able to lead Mini-Handball to U17 games up to the highest league, U19 games up to the second highest league and in the senior division I'm looking forward to referee games of the fifth league in a few weeks. In my opinion, the funniest part about being a referee is the time spend together on tournaments and events. As a referee I enjoy being part of exciting and thrilling games. Personally, I think the best part about being a referee is the personal development.
– While reflecting your own decisions and how your decisions appear to the players, you learn a lot about yourself and about the sport you love the most. In the process I gained communication skills and self-confidence that surely will last a lifetime. But I think, the most important finding to me was that mistakes are human and that there is not the perfect game or the perfect solution.
– It's about how you react to the decisions and the mistakes you made. There will always be room for improvement and growth, to learn and to evolve. However, I'm very glad for all the unforgettable memories I have made and will make on this path.
What was it like being a referee in a Partille Cup final this summer?
– It was an amazing feeling. I absolutely did not expect to get a final, so it was a big surprise and at first I was speechless when I saw that we were chosen to referee a final game. On the final day I felt a mix of different positive emotions and adrenaline. Surely, there was also a little bit of respect. I wanted to do my best. I wished to lead the game without mistakes even though this obviously is not possible.
– However, as we started to warm up for the game I began to solely enjoy the game, enjoy leading this game and enjoy the atmosphere. It was an exciting game. Both teams played with a lot of creativity and held the speed high. Other teams from their clubs were cheering from all sides of the field and the teams showed an enjoyable, interesting and fair game.
What are your strongest memories from refereeing in the Partille Cup?
– Partille Cup was amazing, incredible and unforgettable. Being surrounded by handball and people who love this exciting sport as much as I do all week was a memorable experience. With up to eleven games a day, we had lots of opportunities to learn and develop our style of leading a game. I liked the support we got to develop and the feeling of never being alone. There were always other referees nearby who were willing to help if there were any questions. With many teams playing on the same high level we were always challenged to do our best to lead these exciting matches.
– It was also fun watching other games and seeing the different styles of playing as well as the different styles of refereeing. We got to meet referees, players and coaches from other countries and we were able to share our experiences and our love for this sport. This could be named as the best part about the tournament, but I think it is a mixture of all these points that make the Partille Cup unique.
What are your goals and ambitions as a referee for the future?
– My biggest goal as a referee is to constantly get better and more confident. I don't have a specific league or level in mind I want to reach. However, I hope and work towards reaching the highest level possible for me. I want to feel confident with the games I am leading. Even if, there might be harder games, I want to have fun, because handball as well as being a referee is my passion.
Do you aim to be part of the Partille Cup next time as well?
– I hope to be part of many more Partille Cups in the future and I am really looking forward to the Partille Cup next summer, says Lilly Lötje.